Start-Up Street
Start-Up Street is a collaborative hub of start-ups that are shaping the future of risk management and saving lives.
Meet the game-changing leaders of tomorrow. Interact with people at the cutting edge of tech innovation and find out how they are approaching funding and scaling while tackling some the greatest challenges facing health and safety.
Products and solutions on display
Asbestos Control
Respiratory Prevention
Driver Safety
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Emergency / First Aid Equipment
Environmental / Waste Management
Fall Arrest & Prevention
Hazardous Material Handling
Legal Advice
Manual Handling Equipment
Material Handling
Noise Control
Working at height
Occupational Hygiene
Occupational Health & Wellbeing
Personal Protective Equipment
Plant / Machinery Safety
Risk Assessment / Management
Safety Software
Slip & Trip Prevention
Training & Qualifications
Warehouse Safety
Workplace Cleaning
Workplace Ergonomics
Lone Worker
Are you a start-up less than 2 years old?
Get involved
Meet your peers, celebrate your achievements and accelerate your business by booking a pod at our Start-Up Street:
- A pod in a 4sqm space
- Graphic printed display panel
- 1x Table and 2x Chairs
- Marketing & Data Package
- Access to free WiFi
- £2,000 exc. £199 insurance
Booking enquiries
Get in touch to learn more about the benefits and availability of Start-Up Street.
Rhys Charalambous, Commercial Executive
T: 020 4532 2284